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Contact us

  • This form is for general enquiries. If you would like to share your experience of a local health or social care service, please click here.

    You can also call our Helpdesk on 0303 303 0023 (local rate) The Helpdesk is open 9am-5pm Monday - Thursday and 10am-4.30pm on Fridays.

    For all media and press enquiries please contact our Communications Officer Laihan Burr Dixon tel: 07496 108048 email:

    Citizens Advice Woking provide our helpdesk service. Staff and volunteers enter data into both the Healthwatch Feedback Centre database and the CAB database, Casebook. The latter is hosted by Citizens Advice and held on their servers in the EEA. The Citizen’s Advice Privacy Policy relating to their database can be found at

    For more information see our Privacy Notice (found at the bottom of this page).

    If you would like to receive regular e-bulletins from Healthwatch Surrey, please choose "yes".
  • e.g. through a friend; a leaflet in my doctor's surgery, an article in the press
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