Reports Hub
All of our recent reports are listed below in date order (most recent first). They can also be found within the category groupings on the right hand side of this page.
Reports prior to 2021 can still be found on our previous reports page – Reports, papers & work plans – Healthwatch Surrey.
Latest Reports > Involvement of people

Monthly Insight Bulletin – March 2023
Our latest Insight bulletin summarises key themes we’ve heard throughout March 2023 and provides key information about our recent and future engagement sessions.

What We’re Hearing Stroke Report – 21st March 2023
This report has been designed to be shared with the Integrated Stroke Delivery Network to help inform them of the experiences of people who have survived a stroke and their carers. The comments within this report were gathered at community engagement events throughout 2022.

Monthly Insight Bulletin – January 2023
Our latest Insight bulletin summarises key themes we’ve heard throughout January 2023, including praise and thanks, barriers to GP access, the impact of not communicating with compassion and the impact of wider determinants of health . We also provide key information about our recent and future engagement sessions.

Maximising the learning from complaints
This report looks in depth at the Independent Health Complaints Advocacy service and shares our findings to suggest best practice relating to complaints, including recommendations and suggested opportunities for further learning.
Waiting for hospital care – responses report
This report details the responses we received from hospitals following our ‘Waiting for hospital care’ report.

Waiting for hospital care
In Surrey around 100,000 people are currently waiting for hospital treatment and this figure is not expected to start falling until 2024. Along with neighbouring local Healthwatch, we developed a questionnaire to hear the experiences of those who are waiting for hospital care.
This report details our key findings and provides insight that will enable services to support those waiting and minimise the harm of long waits.
The second report provides details of the 4 responses we received from the 4 main hospitals in Surrey Heartlands. This report will also be shared, including to the Healthwatch England library and with Surrey Heartlands Joint Intelligence Group (JIG).

Monthly Insight Bulletin – January 2022
One of the statutory duties of Healthwatch is to obtain the views of local people regarding their needs for, and experiences of, local care services and importantly to make these views known.
This briefing summarises key themes we’ve heard throughout January 2022.

Carers’ experiences of hospital discharge – Summer 2021
This project was undertaken to investigate the experience of Discharge to Assess from the perspective of Carers of those admitted to hospital. Our aim is that this insight will guide development and implementation of the D2A programme to maximise safe, successful hospital discharges. This was a joint project between Action for Carers and Healthwatch Surrey.
All local acute trusts and Surrey County Council have provided full written responses to our recommendations from our report Carers’ Experiences of Hospital Discharge.

Communicating with patients about delayed appointments – July 2021
During the pandemic, hospital appointments were inevitably delayed. On the whole Surrey residents were very stoic about this, understanding that the NHS was under unprecedented pressure and accepted service cancellations; indeed, some people chose to cancel appointments themselves.
However, as time went on and lockdown eased last summer some people started to feel frustration and questioned when they would get seen. They had been told their treatment was delayed or cancelled but had not been given any information about what would happen next.
Would their treatment be rescheduled? What would happen next?
This report summarises the responses from the hospitals to our recommendations based on NHS guidelines.
- Access to primary care 52
- Information and advice 13
- Insight bulletins 39
- Involvement of people 39
- Mental health 27
- Performance reports 24
- Place reports 9
- Social care 27