Reports Hub
All of our recent reports are listed below in date order (most recent first). They can also be found within the category groupings on the right hand side of this page.
Reports prior to 2021 can still be found on our previous reports page – Reports, papers & work plans – Healthwatch Surrey.
Latest Reports > Information and advice

Quarterly Impact report – Quarter 2 (July – September 2023)
This report highlights our major impacts throughout the second quarter of 2023/24 (July to September 2023). It focusses on our priority areas including information and signposting, access to primary care, mental health, social care, involvement of people and tackling health inequalities. .

Insight bulletin – September 2023
Our latest Insight bulletin summarises the key themes we’ve heard throughout September 2023 as well as providing details of our latest reports and information about how we gather our insight and our future engagement sessions.

Second Vaccinations – What do people want to know before their second Covid vaccination?
Between 18th February and 14th March we ran a short survey, hosted on SurveyMonkey and publicised through our social media platforms. 71 people responded with 100% questionnaire completion rate. This report explains the outcome of this survey.
- Access to primary care 54
- Information and advice 13
- Insight bulletins 40
- Involvement of people 39
- Mental health 28
- Performance reports 24
- Place reports 9
- Social care 28