All of our recent reports are listed below in date order (most recent first). They can also be found within the category groupings on the right hand side of this page.

Reports prior to 2021 can still be found on our previous reports page – Reports, papers & work plans – Healthwatch Surrey.

Latest Reports > Access to primary care

What we’re hearing about pharmacy provision in Thames Ditton


Results and recommendations following our survey regarding pharmacy closures in local areas and their impact on local residents.

Access to primary care

What we’re hearing about pharmacy provision in Guildford and Waverley


Results and recommendations following our survey regarding pharmacy closures in Cranleigh and Burpham and Merrow areas and their impact on local residents.

Access to primary care

Pharmacy closures: Impact on Surrey residents – What we’re hearing about pharmacy provision (summary)


A summary regarding what we’re hearing about pharmacy closures and the impact on local residents in 3 areas of Surrey.

429 people completed our survey, either online or via a paper copy, or spoke to us directly.

Access to primary care

What we’re hearing about Glenlyn Medical Centre – March 2024


After receiving feedback from some patients about Glenlyn Medical Centre and in conjunction with the practice, we visited in February 2024 to learn more from patients. We also ran a survey for local residents to complete to tell us their experiences of being a patient at the practice.

Having analysed the feedback, we then identified a number of areas that could be improved.

Access to primary care

Quarterly impact report – Quarter 4 (January to March 2024)


This report highlights our major impacts throughout our fourth quarter of 2023/24 (January to March 2024).  Our work has included empowering communities to access services online, co-producing advice leaflets to improve people’s knowledge of primary care services, sharing Surrey residents’ experiences of dementia services on a national stage and working in partnership to make services more inclusive through the Accessible Information Standard.

Access to primary care Information and advice Involvement of people Mental health Performance reports Social care

Insight bulletin – March 2024


Our latest Insight bulletin highlights the key themes we’ve heard throughout March 2024 as well as providing information about how we share our insight and our future engagement sessions. This month we also highlight 2 surveys that we are currently running to gauge local people’s views.

Access to primary care Insight bulletins Social care

Insight bulletin – February 2024


Our latest Insight bulletin highlights the key themes we’ve heard throughout Febraury 2024 as well as providing information about how we share our insight and our future engagement sessions.

Access to primary care Insight bulletins Mental health

Quarterly impact report – Quarter 3 (October – December 2023)


This report highlights our major impacts throughout the third quarter of 2023/24 (October to December 2023). It focusses on our priority areas including information and signposting, access to primary care, mental health, social care, involvement of people and tackling health inequalities.

Access to primary care Information and advice Involvement of people Mental health Performance reports Social care

What we’re hearing about GP practice websites – January 2024


This report analyses the feedback we have received from across Surrey – via our Helpdesk or website or from our community engagements – relating to the online journey into general practice. We have been particularly interested in the usability and accessibility of GP practice websites and to what extent this is in line with the guidance produced by NHS England in their Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care.

Access to primary care

Insight bulletin – January 2024


Our latest Insight bulletin references a King’s Fund article, highlighting the importance of listening to people’s experiences. It also highlights the key themes we’ve heard throughout January 2024 as well as providing information about how we share our insight and our future engagement sessions.

Access to primary care Insight bulletins Involvement of people

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