All of our recent reports are listed below in date order (most recent first). They can also be found within the category groupings on the right hand side of this page.

Reports prior to 2021 can still be found on our previous reports page – Reports, papers & work plans – Healthwatch Surrey.

Latest Reports

Enter and View – Brownscombe Care Residences – March 2023 report


Our Enter and View visits to care homes are one way we can gather information about services and collect views of service users, their carers and relatives, as well as staff. Following our visits we make recommendations to the service provider based on the feedback we have received.

Social care

Insight Bulletin – June 2023


Our latest Insight bulletin summarises the key themes we’ve heard throughout June 2023:

  • Praise and thanks
  • Family support
  • Access to primary care
  • Community pharmacy
  • Experiences of mental health crisis
  • Support for carers.

Our Insight Bulletin also provides key information about where we share our insight and our future engagement sessions.

Access to primary care Insight bulletins Mental health

Annual Report 2022 – 2023: Engaging people, connecting communities


Our annual report ‘Engaging people, connecting communities’ details the work we have undertaken in the year 2022 – 2023.

Performance reports

Priorities and Work Plan 2023 – 2026


We have listened carefully across our community engagement, Helpdesk, advocacy, volunteers and Surrey residents to identify and shape our priority areas for the next year.

At the core of all our work, our priorities will be:

  • Agenda free listening and feeding back insight
  • Information and signposting.

These will form the foundation to enable us to focus our work specifically on the following key areas:

  • Access to primary care
  • Social care
  • Mental health
  • Involvement of people: the listening landscape
  • Amplify voice in VCSE
  • Assessing long term impact.


Performance reports

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