This report provides insights into local people’s views on, and experiences with, health and social care services in Surrey Downs. It is based on what people have told us at a series of engagement events in the area, as well as enquiries to our Helpdesk, between November 2023 and May 2024.
Access to primary care
Mental health
Place reports
Our report focusses on 4 key areas:
- In the Surrey Downs Community
- Experiences of general practice
- Spotlight on pharmacy
- Spotlight on Epsom and St Helier Hospitals.
We made the following recommendations – we have not yet had a response from Surrey Downs Health and Care Partnership.
- When sending text messages to cancel appointments, information is given about any action a patient must take to follow up on their care.
- When a patient gives verbal feedback, that is not able to be resolved there and then, that the GP practice gives options for other routes to feedback about care.
- When dealing with patients verbal feedback over the phone, ensure they know who they are speaking to; name and job title.
Experiences of General Practice/ Poor communication resulting in barriers to care - Clear information given to patients by all members of staff (including clinicians) about processes to book and cancel appointments and follow up appointments.
- Written information given to patient at point of referral with clear timeframes about when, how and who to follow up the referral with.
- Supporting GP practices to develop a ‘how to’ guide which clarifies the process for obtaining repeat prescriptions in their surgery.
- Review Healthwatch Surrey recommendations from the carers discharge report and respond with actions to improve communication to carers in hospital.
- Sharing any other actions related to the experiences presented within this report.
What we're hearing about Surrey Downs - July 2024 (pdf) | Download File (pdf 242.65 KB) |
What we're hearing about Surrey Downs - July 2024 (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 850.45 KB) |