A summary regarding what we’re hearing about pharmacy closures and the impact on local residents in 3 areas of Surrey.
429 people completed our survey, either online or via a paper copy, or spoke to us directly.
Access to primary care
We have created an illustrative and text version of our summaries.
Our full reports are:
- What we’re hearing about pharmacy provision in Guildford and Waverley
- What we’re hearing about pharmacy provision in Thames Ditton
Pharmacy closures_Impact on Surrey residents (summary) - illustrative (pdf) | Download File (pdf 79.58 KB) |
Pharmacy closures_Impact on Surrey residents (summary) - text version (pdf) | Download File (pdf 64.28 KB) |
Pharmacy closures_Impact on Surrey residents (summary) - text version (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 722.45 KB) |