We have been supporting the Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust by providing insights around the experience of those with mental health needs in Surrey’s acute hospitals.

Mental health

This report  is a snapshot of what has been shared with us on this topic as part of wider discussions around health and social care, between June 2024 and February 2025. It looks at the impact of the hospital environment on those with mental health needs, people’s understanding of feedback mechanisms, the experience of those in crisis and children and young people’s mental health. It also explores what makes a positive experience.

What we’re hearing about people with mental health needs in acute hospital trusts - February 2025 (pdf) Download File (pdf 160.01 KB)
What we’re hearing about people with mental health needs in acute hospital trusts - February 2025 (word) Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 955.66 KB)

“…I had a mental health break down. An ambulance was called, but the ambulance couldn’t do anything for me until the police came. No one told me this, so when the police arrived, I panicked and ran away."