This report provides insights into local people’s views on, and experiences with, health and social care services in Guildford and Waverley. It is based on what people have told us at a series of engagement events in the area, as well as enquiries to our Helpdesk, between November 2023 and April 2024.
Our report focusses on 4 key areas:
• Godalming: the 0-5 model of wellbeing
• Pharmacy: the value of pharmacy and the impact of local
• Experiences of general practice
• Royal Surrey County Hospital: clarity of communication with
patients and meeting individual needs.
We made the following recommendations – Guildford and Waverley Alliance responses are detailed in the response files below:
We recommend that The Alliance considers the following:
Theme: Godalming: the 0-5 model of wellbeing
- Developing a comprehensive list of all peer to peer support groups and activities available in the Godalming area – including associated costs – which is shared with all new parents.
- Ensure all front-line staff are aware of the support group list and signpost appropriately.
- Ensuring a consistent approach to informing new parents about the health visitor drop-in clinics (times, locations, remit, contact details etc.) in the area, and the 0-19 advice line.
Experiences of general practice
- Ensuring all patients entering general practice are aware of their rights and what they can expect in terms of language support / translation and interpreter services.
- Supporting GP practices to develop a ‘how to’ guide which clarifies the process for obtaining repeat prescriptions in their surgery.
Royal Surrey County Hospital: clarity of communication with patients and meeting individual needs
- Evaluating the communication which is shared with patients about the MyCare portal and how this could be made clearer.
What we're hearing about Guildford and Waverley - April 2024 (pdf) | Download File (pdf 224.44 KB) |
What we're hearing about Guildford and Waverley - April 2024 (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 837.46 KB) |
What we're hearing - Guildford and Waverley Alliance response - June 2024 (pdf) | Download File (pdf 53.34 KB) |