This report highlights our major impacts throughout the second quarter of 2023/24 (July to September 2023). It focusses on our priority areas including information and signposting, access to primary care, mental health, social care, involvement of people and tackling health inequalities. .
This report highlights our impact throughout the second quarter of 2023-24.
This quarter:
106 people have been supported through our Helpdesk
99 people have been supported by Advocacy
413 hours have been provided by our volunteers.
Our priority updates include:
Accessing primary care: Learning from our insight to develop more appropriate signposting (page 6)
Mental health: Continuing to champion the voices of young people and families following our neurodiversity project (page 8)
Social care: Revisiting what we heard during our Enter and View visits to care homes across Surrey (page 10)
Involvement of people: We met with people at three hospital engagements to talk about how people give feedback about services (page 12).
Our report also includes the impact of our Helpdesk, our Advocacy service and our collaborative work with our system and community partners.
Quarterly Impact report - Quarter 2 (July – September 2023) (pdf) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 1.99 MB) |
Quarterly Impact report - Quarter 2 (July – September 2023) (word) | Download File (pdf 416.81 KB) |