This report highlights our major impacts throughout the first quarter of 2023/24 (April to June 2023). It focusses on our 4 priority areas.
This report highlights our impact throughout the first quarter of 2023-24.
This quarter:
126 people have been supported through our Helpdesk
87 people have been supported by Advocacy
446 hours have been provided by our volunteers.
One of our key achievements across all of our priorities has been new opportunities for listening:
– Accessing primary care: Our primary care insights have been shared within Surrey Heartlands GP Newsletter, enabling your feedback to be heard by GPs across Surrey (page 8).
– Social care: Building connections with the Customer Support team in Surrey County Council to help tackle concerning cases more appropriately (page 11).
– Mental health: New patient experience forums established at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and the Mindworks Alliance where we can share experiences directly with service managers (page 9).
– Involvement of people: Increased collaborations with other voluntary sector organisations helping us reach more residents and hear from people less well heard by the system (pages 13 and 15).
Quarterly Impact report - Quarter 1 (April – June 2023) (pdf) | Download File (pdf 2.94 MB) |
Quarterly Impact report - Quarter 1 (April – June 2023) (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 15.51 MB) |