This report highlights our major impacts throughout our second quarter of 2024/25 (July to September 2024). The report looks at how:
- Our information and signposting service helps local residents
- We deliver on our social care and primary care thematic priorities
- We make a difference at a system level
- We involve people in health and social care.
Access to primary care
Information and advice
Involvement of people
Performance reports
Social care
This quarter:
- 118 People supported through our Helpdesk
- 32 People supported by our Independent Health Complaints Advocacy service
- 30 Community engagement events
- 815 People helped and supported whilst on engagement in the community
- 11 Reports published
- 288 Hours provided by our volunteers
Our report further highlights our impact in relation to:
- Supporting residents through our Helpdesk and in the community
- Engaging with young people across Surrey
- Advocacy and complaints
- Our self funders project
- Securing a change to the NHS England website
- Ensuring the voice of carers are heard
- Ensuring service users are an integral part of service development
- Cervical screening: at a local and national level
- Our reading panel being a vital sounding board for our system partners
- Adding value to learning disability and autism training.
We thank everyone who gave their time and shared their experiences with us this quarter.
Quarterly impact report - July to September 2024 (pdf) | Download File (pdf 1.36 MB) |
Quarterly impact report - July to September 2024 (word) | Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 4.88 MB) |