Our latest Insight bulletin highlights the key themes we’ve been hearing about recently from local people. We also highlight that we’ve been shortlisted for a Healthwatch England Impact Award, our quarterly impact report and the opportunity to have your say in 3 surveys we are currently running. Our engagement schedule for this month is also shared.

Access to primary care Insight bulletins Social care

This month’s bulletin focusses on:

  • Thanks and praise: GP practices
  • Spotlight on: eye care services
  • Spotlight on: social care
  • Hospitals: perceived lack of accountability.

Since our last bulletin we’ve heard from 181 people across Surrey, via our Helpdesk or during engagement events in the community.

  • 31% of the feedback relates to GP practices.
  • 44% of the feedback relates to hospitals
  • The majority of the remaining feedback relates to pharmacy, social care and mental health services
  • Of those willing to share, 73% were aged over 50
  • Of those willing to share, 51% had a long term condition.

Insight bulletin - March 2025 (pdf) Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 1.76 MB)
Insight bulletin - March 2025 (word) Download File (pdf 549.80 KB)

“My wife was discharged from hospital with a care package which I was told was "self funded" but I have no idea how they know how much money I have. Is this allowed without my permission? And how do I get funding? As far as I’m concerned I only have mine and my wife’s pension and I can’t afford to self fund.”