Our latest Insight bulletin highlights the key themes we’ve heard throughout March 2024 as well as providing information about how we share our insight and our future engagement sessions. This month we also highlight 2 surveys that we are currently running to gauge local people’s views.

Access to primary care Insight bulletins Social care

This month we have been hearing about:

  • System updates positively impacting patient experience
  • Long waits for GP practice appointments
  • Difficulty obtaining prescriptions causing unnecessary stress for many
  • Lack of communication between services continues to impact patients
  • Are all services accessible to everyone?

Insight bulletin - March 2024 (pdf) Download File (pdf 519.10 KB)
Insight bulletin - March 2024 (word) Download File (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 1.40 MB)

“I have still not received an appointment so paid privately to have my moles checked and paid to have one removed which proved to be pre cancerous. I cannot afford to pay for another one which I have been advised to have removed. I still have not heard from my GP.”