Patient Feedback on GP Surgery Relocation

We were approached by North East Hants & Farnham CCG and Downing St Practice as they wanted to ensure patient feedback was considered within the decision over the future location of Downing Street Practice. They chose to work with Healthwatch Surrey as we were able to bring an independent perspective to gathering the patient voice, which would contribute to the decision about the future location of the surgery. We exist to ensure people have a voice in the health and social care decisions that affect them. This was work that, in our view, absolutely needed to be done, however challenging.
We had a tight deadline for the report. Our biggest challenge was finding a fast way of ensuring the survey reached the maximum number of patients at a time when footfall through the surgery is minimal (pandemic). We solved this through the use of the text messaging system. Utilising the GP Text Messaging service to carry an online survey was a high efficiency low-cost solution. We also made sure that the digitally excluded were included with telephone depth interviews. We needed to ensure it was not a straight ‘beauty contest’ between two locations: we had to deliver insight into patient needs, habits and drivers to explain why one location might be preferred to another. Strong teamwork from all parties including clear communication of deadlines and fast, decisive responses to queries meant the report was robust and delivered in the agreed timeframe.
“Your quick turnaround and professional approach to this work have been hugely appreciated.” – Steve Manley Engagement Manager NHS North East Hampshire & Farnham Frimley Collaborative