Your experience of Maternity Services across Surrey

Surrey Heartlands was selected as one of seven Early Adopter areas to test and implement recommendations from the ‘Better Births review’; improving outcomes of maternity services in England (Feb 2016). Key recommendations centre on making care safer, more personalised, kinder, and professional and more family friendly delivered from high performing teams in well-led and innovative organisations.

This survey gives you a chance to co-design local maternity services with commissioners and providers and other key maternity systems leads. Your views will be used to help shape maternity services in the provision of more choice, continuity of care and personalisation for service users.

As part of the commitment to information governance all data collected will be held securely and reported anonymously. Please do not provide any personal details or confidential information in response to any of the questions.

This consultation closed on the 18th August 2017.

Please click here for more information.

Housing Related Support consultation

Surrey County Council is reviewing its funding of Housing Related Support for older people and people with disabilities.  The Council is inviting everyone who has an interest to give their views on the proposal.

This survey is now closed.

For more information, please click here.

NHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours services in Surrey

Many people in Surrey use NHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours services.  NHS 111 is a national service managed locally by Clinical Commissioning Groups.

North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), in partnership with CCGs in East Surrey, Guildford and Waverley and Surrey Downs, are procuring a new combined NHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours service. The NHS 111 service in Surrey rates in the top 15% in the country for clinical excellence, so this is an opportunity to make the service even better.

You are invited to help shape plans by providing your views and experiences of the current services and tell us what changes you would like to make if you had the opportunity to. North West Surrey CCG want to make sure they provide the very best care for you, so your feedback is really important. After all, the service is for you!

This consultation has now ended.

Stroke services in West Surrey

Guildford and Waverley CCG ran a public consultation on proposed changes to stroke services in West Surrey.

This consultation ended on 30th April 2017.

To find out more please click here.

Help improve respiratory services in Surrey

Do you have asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or have received NHS funded respiratory healthcare? You can get involved in our respiratory service review.

This consultation has now ended.

Help Surrey Downs CCG set their priorities

Surrey Downs CCG are currently setting their priorities for next year and they would like your help. Surrey Downs CCG want to know what’s important to you and your family, what you think of their ideas and what you think they should be focussing on next year.

This consultation has now ended.