Enter and View is one way Healthwatch Surrey can gather information needed about services and collect views of service users, their carers and relatives, as well as staff.

How does it work in practice? Watch this video to find out more about what Enter & View is and how we have used our statutory power to listen to the views and experiences of local people living in care homes.

Our Enter and View reports are on the Reports page.

Find a list of our current Authorised Representatives on our teams page.

Why do we do Enter & View visits?

  • Visits aim to provide an informed view of the quality and scope of health and adult social care services provided for the residents of Surrey. Evidence gathered will be used to provide recommendations for improvement. Healthwatch Surrey will proactively seek to build good relationships with providers of health and adult social care services.
  • An individual Visit may develop from another area of research such as a when a task group is looking at a specific area of health and social care. However, a Visit does not have to be part of other work. It could, for example, be prompted by feedback from local service users, patients, their carers and families which suggest common concerns about performance, or aspects of provision, on a single ward or care home.

Who says Healthwatch Surrey can Enter and View a service?

  • All Healthwatches have statutory powers under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Healthwatch can Enter and View health and social care services on an unannounced or announced basis.
  • Enter and View is not an inspection but instead an opportunity for laypeople to engage with service users and their families, in order to gain a better view of how they feel about their services.

Who does ‘Enter and View’ apply to?

  • NHS Trusts
  • NHS Foundation Trusts
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • Local Authorities including public health functions
  • A person providing primary medical services (e.g. GPs)
  • A person providing primary dental services (e.g. dentists)
  • A person providing primary ophthalmic services (e.g. opticians)
  • A person providing pharmaceutical services (e.g. community pharmacists)
  • A person who owns or controls premises where ophthalmic and pharmaceutical services are provided
  • Bodies or institutions that are contracted by Local Authorities or NHS Trusts, or Clinical Commissioning Group to provide care services
  • Service Providers contracted to provide health and social care services by the NHS or Local Authority
  • Service providers in receipt of funds from personal budget allocations
  • NHS England commissioned services

When does the ‘Enter and View’ duty not apply?

  • If the visit compromises either the effective provision of a service or the privacy or dignity of any person.
  • If the premises where the care is being provided is a person’s own home (this does not mean that an authorised representative cannot enter when invited by residents).
  • Where the premises, or parts of premises, are used solely as accommodation for employees.
  • Where the premises are non-communal parts of care homes.
  • Where health and social care services are not provided at the premises (such as offices) or where they are not being provided at the time of the visit (for example, when facilities and premises are closed).
  • If, in the opinion of the provider of the service being visited, the authorised representative is not acting according to professional standards and Enter and View Policy.
  • If the authorised representative does not provide evidence that he or she is authorised.
  • For the observing of any activities which relate to the provision of social care services to people under the age of 18.

Who can carry out an Enter and View Visit?

  • Only Authorised Representatives may undertake ‘Enter and View’. Upon request they will be able to provide identification.
  • Healthwatch Surrey expects a lot from its representatives including to:
  1. Treat all people fairly and courteously, with sensitivity and respect
  2. Treat people with dignity, respect their privacy and be as unobtrusive as possible
  3. Inform people, especially staff, of what they are doing at every stage of the visit
  4. Have respect for individual confidentiality
  5. Co-operate with requests from staff, service users, carers and their families, ensuring that they do not interrupt the effective delivery of health and social care services
  6. Not make unreasonable requests or demands

Find the full Code of Conduct here.

How are Enter and View Visits different to other checks and inspections?

  • They are impartial
  • They are independent
  • They should complement not duplicate other services
  • They give staff of providers an opportunity to have a voice too

How do I find out more?

  • If you are a commissioner or provider of health and social care, and would like to talk to a member of the team about the Enter and View Visits schedule, please contact volunteers@healthwatchsurrey.co.uk. Alternatively, you can send us your details via the contact us page. Policy and procedure documents are available on request.
  • If you would be interested in finding out about becoming an Authorised Representative, please contact us.