Volunteering helps secure a new job
Shaun describes how volunteering helped him secure a new job:
“I started volunteering with Healthwatch in October 2023 – I knew about them having worked alongside them in Godalming with my previous employer.
I volunteer regularly at The Hive in Guildford, and at the Age UK Surrey Planning for your Future events, which take place at different venues across Surrey on a weekly basis. At these events I raise awareness of Healthwatch and talk to people about their experiences of health and social care. I also encourage people to have their voices heard by completing our surveys.
I got to know the team from Age UK Surrey whilst attending these events. I was looking for employment and asked them if they were aware of any opportunities. They said they were recruiting for an information and advice officer – and long story short, I was offered the job!
I am really pleased as I will be able to continue volunteering for Healthwatch as well as working for Age UK. I find volunteering with Healthwatch very rewarding as I am helping people to have a voice. I feel like I am helping the community.”