Photo of some post it notes used during an engagement. Underneath on a dark blue background are the words 'Our upcoming events & engagement sessions; Your Voice Counts’ and the Healthwatch Surrey logo.

Upcoming engagements and events – February onwards

7th February 2025

Each month we focus on a different area of the county, visiting venues in local communities to listen to what people think about local health and care services, and to ask specific questions related to our priorities. We also provide information and signposting regarding health and social care.

Throughout the year, we also attend events across Surrey to raise awareness of our work.

We’d love to see you at one of our engagement and awareness raising events this month but that’s not the only way local residents can share their views with us. You can also phone or email our Helpdesk or get in touch via our website too.

As an independent statutory body we have the power to make sure decision makers listen to your feedback. It’s really important that you share your experiences – both good and bad. We passionately believe that listening and responding to your experiences is vital to create health and social care services that meet the needs of people in Surrey.