NHS dentists – share your views
This week has seen the launch of The Government’s long awaited NHS Dental Recovery Plan, which – it is hoped – will ensure easier and faster access to NHS dental care across England. Initiatives such as a ‘new patient’ payment of between £15-£50 to treat around a million new patients who have not seen an NHS dentist in two years will be paid for by £200 million of new government funding.
This might come as welcome news to some of the residents of Surrey we’ve heard from who are struggling to access the dental care they need and don’t know where to turn.
“I’ve gone through the list looking for an NHS Dentist and am only being offered private which I cannot afford.”
“I have an NHS Dentist, I need some treatment and my dentist has given me some options, she is saying my preferred choice is not available on the NHS as there is a cheaper option, however I feel it should be…”
Unlike GP practices, dental practices do not have registered patients. This means that you can attend a dental practice anywhere, but it also means that if the practice doesn’t have the capacity they may not be able to offer you an appointment. NHS dental practices have limited spaces and many have waiting lists, though the NHS website allows you to find dental practices near you who are accepting NHS patients using your postcode.
Still confused? We’d love to hear from you. We are an independent service listening to experiences from people in Surrey and providing evidence-based feedback to commissioners and providers to influence, inform and – if necessary – challenge decisions and plans. Your feedback (good and bad!) really can help to shape, improve, and change local services. Get in touch today!