Helpdesk – changes to opening times due to bank holiday weekend
2nd May 2024
Please be aware of changes to our opening times due to the bank holiday weekend.
Our Helpdesk will be open Friday 3 May as usual: 10 am – 4.30pm
Closed: Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Open Tuesday 7 May as usual: 9am – 5pm.
Should you need support over this period, you can contact:
Surrey County Council contact details (includes emergency contacts for relevant services) – https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/council-and-democracy/contact-us
Surrey and Borders Mental Health Crisis Helpline: 0800 915 4644 or by SMS text: 07717 989 024
SHOUT via SMS text: 85258
Samaritans via phone: 116 123 or email: jo@samaritans.org
The Healthy Surrey website also has information about mental health and emotional wellbeing support in Surrey – https://www.healthysurrey.org.uk/mental-wellbeing