Commended in National Healthwatch Impact Awards
We are pleased to announce that we were commended in the National Healthwatch Impact Awards, held earlier this week.
The National Healthwatch Impact Awards recognise outstanding examples from across the Healthwatch network where the experiences of local people help to make positive changes to local health and social care services.
We were commended for our work with a local resident, Chantelle, who was unable to access cancer screening. Our video (Healthwatch Surrey Testimonial Video (youtube.com) tells Chantelle’s experience. Chantelle has learning disabilities and is also a wheelchair user. We know that this means it’s especially important that she gets the support she needs as she’s at risk of poorer health outcomes.
By sharing Chantelle’s experience, we’ve not only enabled her to access the screening that she should have, we have also helped ensure other people have better experiences going forward.
Please contact us if you need information or signposting regarding health and social care services, or if you would like to share an experience with us.
Commenting on the award, Louise Ansari, Chief Executive of Healthwatch England said:
“The team should feel really proud. Our awards recognise outstanding work that makes a real difference to local people, and the competition this year from across England was very high.
“Being recognised is also a testament to all the local people who were prepared to speak up and the health professionals who listened. It just shows what can be achieved when we work together to improve care.”
Share your experience with us via our feedback form or contact our Helpdesk.
Find out more about our impact by reading our Performance Reports.