Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
There are approximately 3,300 new cervical cancer cases in the UK every year, that’s around 9 every day. Since the early 1990s cervical cancer incidence rates have decreased by about a quarter (24%) in the UK, though over the last decade rates have remained stable.* Cancer Research UK predict that 99.8% of all cervical cancer cases are preventable. That’s why, during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (January 21, 2025 – January 28, 2025), we think it’s important to come together with others to shine a light on this disease and the importance of screening.
In September last year Healthwatch England published a national report looking at women’s experiences of cervical screening, unpicking why some are hesitant to be screened and making recommendations to policymakers on how to improve uptake. Healthwatch Surrey contributed to this report by interviewing local women with learning disabilities and those from minority ethnic backgrounds.
The Surrey women we interviewed talked about the convenience of home testing kits and the appeal of testing in their home and in their own time, without having to book an appointment or get undressed in front of strangers.
How would you feel about self-testing cervical screening kits? What are your experiences of cervical screening? We’d love to hear from you.
The Eve Appeal charity has information about cervical screening and top tips to make the appointment easier: Cervical Cancer Prevention Week – The Eve Appeal
*All statistics are from Cancer Research UK and are for 2017-2019.