Carers replacement break survey
17th September 2023
Carers replacement break survey – Please share your views:
Luminus (the home of Healthwatch Surrey and Giving Carers a Voice) are gathering people’s views on Surrey’s Carers Replacement Breaks which are funded by both Surrey County Council and the NHS. The service provides short term breaks to unpaid carers and is delivered by Crossroads Care (Surrey).
We are interested to hear from:
• Carers with experience of the service
• Carers who are unaware of the service
• Carers who have chosen not to use the service
• People who work with unpaid carers.
Currently the offer to unpaid carers using this service is a ‘one off’ 35 hour free offer which can be taken over a 6 month period. The service is delivered in the carer’s home at times and frequency agreed between the carer and Crossroads Care (Surrey).
We want to hear people’s experiences of the service and help provide solutions for anything that isn’t working well, so there are lots of opportunities to share ideas in this survey.
Online survey: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/…/surrey_carers…/
If you would prefer to have a discussion on the phone or online, you can contact Steve Inett who is gathering feedback via:
Email: steve@steveinettconsultancy.co.uk
Telephone: 07593 452242
Closing date for the survey: 16th October 2023
Other opportunities to share your views are on our Opportunities to get involved page.