
Healthwatch Surrey currently has four priorities; priorities are based on themes that come from what people are telling us (through feedback on our website, through our Helpdesk, attendance at our listening events etc). We take feedback and find themes; these helpĀ us to focus our project resources on areas where we feel we can have the most impact for local people. We review our priorities on a 3 year cycle to ensure our work is up to date with what’s going on in the health and social care system.

Our current priorities:

    1. Improving access to, and involvement in mental health services
    2. Exploring how services listen to people receiving care at home
    3. Empowering patients when they leave hospital
    4. Exploring joined up care for people with complex health needs

What’s happening now?

Following an annual review of our priorities in 2019, taking into account the work we’ve done on the topic of Care Homes, the Healthwatch Surrey Board decided to adopt a different emerging priority around joined up care for people with complex health needs. Whilst Healthwatch Surrey will be adopting a new priority, it is clear that this remains a group which faces significant barriers to being heard. We will remain alert and responsive to any concerns we hear during our routine evidence gathering.

Get involved!

If you are passionate about health and social care please tell us what you think we should continue working on or suggest another area within the health and social care system. All responses will be considered.

Alternatively, if you or someone you know have an experience you’d like to share with us to help make positive changes, please tell us about your experience here.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can work together in the future, please contact us.