Are you interested in volunteering with us?

We are always looking for more volunteers to join our dynamic team – whether out and about in community settings speaking to members of the public, taking part in mini-research projects, joining our reading panel, or helping us spread the word about our work. We are very flexible and you can volunteer as often or as little as you like – we have opportunities on different days of the week at different times so there is something for everyone!

Find out more about volunteering with us

What will I do as a volunteer

  • Our volunteers attend community events and fairs to talk to local people about the work of Healthwatch Surrey.
  • They also meet local people through engagements arranged by Healthwatch Surrey. They listen to what local people have to say about health and care services, and accurately record their views, both good and bad. They signpost people to other organisations that can help them where necessary.
  • Volunteers help us to identify local community groups such as carers groups, veterans’ groups and faith groups who are meeting in Surrey. They inform our Volunteer and Engagement Officer about these, who will contact the group and arrange a suitable time for us to attend and listen to people’s experiences.
  • Our reading panel group of volunteers help us prepare for/attend meetings and ensure public facing copy meets the needs of local people.
  • They also have the opportunity help us with our research projects and undertake mini-projects of their own.

In return for giving your time to us, we can offer:

  • Travel expenses for attending events and meetings.
  • Full induction.
  • Training in safeguarding, equality and diversity, engagement and signposting. The training is online and can be taken at a convenient time for you.
  • Regular check-ins from our Volunteer and Engagement Officer, Hannah.
  • Opportunities to meet with other volunteers.
  • Support from a member of our team at each engagement, as well as receiving ongoing support from our Volunteer and Engagement Officer.
  • Additional training and support depending on the type of engagement events you volunteer for.
  • Opportunities to get involved in other areas of our work.

Already volunteering for us?

We really appreciate the support that all of our volunteers give us. This year our volunteers gave a total of 250 days supporting our work. We really couldn’t manage without you all.

Useful links

  • Our Volunteer Hub provides information about opportunities for volunteering that are coming up, key documents and general updates.
  • Our events page on our website shows where we are attending this month. Volunteers are always welcome to join us at the Healthwatch Surrey engagement sessions and local events. You can sign up via the Volunteer Hub or by contacting Hannah.
Gathering this feedback is essential and can really help to improve the wellbeing of my local community.

Fill out an application form

If you would like to volunteer with us, please visit our Volunteer Hub to complete our online application form. If you need assistance with this or would like an informal chat about what is involved, then please contact our Volunteer and Engagement Officer, Hannah Gilmour

Our Volunteer Week video

This video, produced in Volunteers Week 2024 – shows how our volunteers support us, why they volunteer for us and photos of our volunteers at different events and why they volunteer with us.

Volunteer Blogs

Find out more about what our volunteers do from the volunteers ourselves!