Surrey Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018
From the 1st April 2013, Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) have had a statutory responsibility to publish and keep up-to-date the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). The PNA provides a statement of need for pharmaceutical services for the population in its area.
The PNA aims to review the current pharmaceutical services for Surrey and identify any gaps in provision through assessment, consultation and analysis of current and future local need.
The PNA is a key document that will be used by:
- NHS England to inform decisions regarding applications for new or changes to existing pharmaceutical services;
- NHS England to make decisions in the commissioning of NHS-funded services that can be provided by local community pharmacies;
- Local Authorities (LAs) and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) when commissioning services to meet local health needs and priorities.
Why is there a consultation?
The draft PNA must be available for comment before it is finalised and published. You are therefore invited to view and comment on Surrey HWB’s draft PNA to inform the final version which will be published in April 2018.
How to take part
Please click here to be taken to the survey. On the website you’ll be able to read the draft PNA and give your views by completing the online questionnaire. You will be asked in the questionnaire whether you are responding as a member of the public, a health and social care professional, as a sole trader or on behalf of a business or organisation so please bear this in mind when giving your response. All responses are confidential and no personal identifiable information will be used in the report.
If you require a free of charge paper copy of the draft PNA or would like a freepost paper version of the questionnaire, please contact or Jon Walker on 020 8541 7827 or Lucy Razveeva on 020 8541 7716 and a copy will be posted out to you within 14 days.
If you need help to have your say, please ask someone you trust such as a support worker or carer. If you don’t have anyone to help you or if you need a copy of the questionnaire in a different format, such as large print, or another language, please contact the details above.
If you wish to access the previous PNA and supplementary statements, these can be found here.
Opening date: 2nd October 2017
Closing date: 1st December 2017