Changes to substance misuse services


New arrangements for substance misuse services From 1 April 2018, Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (SABP) will be … Read more

Sexual Health Services Feedback Survey


  The implementation of an integrated Sexual Health and HIV Service in April 2017 resulted in a substantial reconfiguration of the way these … Read more

Have your say on the government’s green paper for children and young people’s mental health


The Government has published a green paper on children & young people’s mental health, setting out proposals to provide faster … Read more

Prescribing medicine for minor illnesses – NHS England


Read the consultation document Easy Read consultation guide NHS England is launching a public consultation on reducing prescribing of over-the-counter … Read more

CQC Regulation: Consultation 3, Independent health care


The CQC want to hear from anyone who has an interest. Today, (26th January 2018), the CQC publish plans to … Read more

Have your say on health and social care commissioning intentions for 2018/19


Every year local health and care organisations set their plans and priorities (known as commissioning intentions) for the year ahead. … Read more

Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Professionals’ Survey


Overview Children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health impacts upon every area of their lives, from their educational … Read more

Hillside Residential Care Home


Under delegated authority a decision has been taken to consult with residents, their families, carers, staff and stakeholders regarding future … Read more

Surrey Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018


Overview From the 1st April 2013, Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWB) have had a statutory responsibility to publish and keep … Read more

Annual Voluntary Community and Faith Sector Survey


This is an independent survey run by the Council on behalf of the boroughs and districts and clinical commissioning groups … Read more