International Women’s Day – our volunteer Liz
It is International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March. IWD 2025 campaign theme is ‘Accelerate Action’ and collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity is what makes International Women’s Day impactful –
In March 2024, Surrey Heartlands and Surrey County Council hosted ‘A spotlight on women’s health in Surrey’ conference, with representatives from across Surrey and perspectives across all age groups. The keynote speaker was Professor Dame Lesley Regan, Women’s Health Ambassador for England, who talked to the national Women’s Health Strategy, setting out the plans, over the next 10 years, to:
- Boost the health outcomes of women and girls and reduce disparities
- Improve how the healthcare system listens to women.
Key topics in the strategy include gynaecological conditions, fertility, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and postnatal support, the menopause, menstrual health, mental health.
This conference instigated the Surrey Heartlands Women’s Health Steering Group, a virtual forum which meets bimonthly to collaborate and shape projects into working groups with an initial focus on improving access to services.
As Healthwatch Surrey’s representative on this Steering Group, I keep a focus on women’s voices being listened to and help ensure that these voices are amplified and represented in workstreams so that outcomes of work and improvements are meaningful for Surrey patients and residents. Healthwatch Surrey’s involvement is impactful, providing insights to health and care providers, helping to #AccelerateAction, and helping women and girls make informed decisions about their health.
Last year experiences of people living in Surrey, gained by interviewing local women with a learning disability and women from minority ethnic backgrounds, contributed to Healthwatch England’s report and recommendations about women’s experiences of cervical screening
It is important that the voices of people with lived experience are included in implementing the strategy and improving services for women. Sharing your experiences with Healthwatch Surrey on women’s health issues and services helps to influence improvements in women’s health care in Surrey. Interested in volunteering with us? FInd out more on our volunteering with us page.