To the left of the image is a photo of signage at a hospital. To the right is a stopwatch with 3 minutes displayed and a thumbs up and thumbs down icon. At the top right of the image of the Healthwatch and Quality Care Commission logos. At the bottom is the words Share for Better Care week 2025, 24 February – 2 March.

How sharing your experience can make a difference – #ShareForBetterCare week

27th February 2025

Our latest impact report highlights how sharing your experience of health and social care really does make a difference – Quarterly impact report – October to December 2024 – Healthwatch Surrey.


A video we produced with a parent carer and her daughter who is neurodivergent highlights the personal impact of hospitals not adhering to the Accessible Information Standard.


This video was shown at a listening event attended by local hospitals and NHS England – the hospitals plan to share the videos as part of staff training and NHS England plan to use the video on their South East region patient experience and involvement futures workspace – showing that sharing your experience really does make a difference.


Please continue to share your experience with us so we can continue championing the voice of local people to shape, improve and get the best from NHS, health and social care services.


You can share your experience via our online feedback centre, or by getting in touch with our Helpdesk who also provide information and signposting about health and social care services.