To the left of the image is a photo of one of our staff talking to someone at a hospital. To the right is a stopwatch with 3 minutes displayed and a thumbs up and thumbs down icon. At the top right of the image of the Healthwatch and Quality Care Commission logos. At the bottom is the words Share for Better Care week 2025, 24 February – 2 March.

We’ve been shortlisted for the national Healthwatch Impact Award

25th February 2025

As part of #ShareForBetterCare week, we are thrilled to have been shortlisted for the national Healthwatch Impact Award. We are one of 18 Healthwatch shortlisted for the award (read the full list on the Healthwatch England website), and have been shortlisted for our work (linking nicely with #ShareforBetterCare week) about hospitals and feedback! Find out more about this work on our reports page: Summary – Involvement of people – feedback in hospitals – March 2024 – Healthwatch Surrey.


‘Share for Better Care Week’, is a campaign to encourage people to share their experiences of NHS and adult social care services across England to help improve care for everyone.


Surrey residents can share their experience via our online feedback centre, or by getting in touch with our Helpdesk who also provide information and signposting about health and social care services.