Many people think we help only with issues relating to health, but if you have concerns about social care services and need assistance or advice, Healthwatch Surrey are here for you.


Adult Social Care explained

Adult social care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to. This includes people who are frail, have disabilities or mental health issues as well as the people who care for them.


Social care can include ‘personal care’ such as support for washing, dressing and getting out of bed in the morning, as well as wider support to help people stay active and engaged in their communities.


Social care is often broken down into two categories – short term care and long term care. Short term care refers to support that is time limited with the intention of maximising the independence of the individual using the care service and eliminating their need for ongoing support. Long term support is provided for people with complex and ongoing needs either in the community or accommodation such as a nursing home.


Access to good social care can have a significant impact on our life, but what if you aren’t receiving the help you need? We can signpost you to the right people to assist you, and also take your concerns to those who run adult and children’s social care services locally.


How do I access adult social care?

If you think you, or someone you know, needs help to cope day to day, the first step is to speak to Surrey County Counci – adult social care so they can understand your needs and those of any family members with caring responsibilities.


Will I have to pay?

Although information and advice are free, unlike the NHS, Adult Social Care is not free at the point of delivery and there may be a cost for any care and support services you receive.


Care is means tested and if you qualify for support Surrey County Council will ask you to do a financial assessment to work out how much you can afford to pay towards the cost. You can complete the assessment for your information only, or you can choose to send the details to Surrey County Council for verification. Alternatively, council staff can carry out the assessment by telephone, or visit either you or your representative if they live locally.


Further information on whether you qualify for support and financial assessments can be found on the Surrey County Council website.


What if I have new needs following a stay in hospital?

If you think you might have new social care needs after a stay in hospital, you might find our Hospital discharge leaflet helpful . It can be used by you / a trusted contact to help your conversations with hospital staff as you prepare to leave.


Adult social care: where do I go to find out more?

For further information contact Surrey County Council via the Surrey County Council website (contact) or on 0300 200 1005.


More information on paying for adult social care can be found on the Surrey County Council website (assessments).


The Care Quality Commission also has a lot of information on their website relating to social care and care homes.


Surrey Independent Living Charity (SILC) can help you to understand direct payments and personal health budgets, and they can also help you to arrange the care and support you need.


How do I make a complaint?

Further information on making a complaint can be found on the Surrey County Council website (complaints).


How do I raise a safeguarding concern?

If you are at risk of abuse or neglect, or know someone who is, you can raise a safeguarding concern via Surrey County Council, either the adult or children’s teams.


Children’s social care

Further information on children’s support services can be found on the Surrey County Council website and in their Family Information Directory.


Healthwatch Surrey: your social care champion

Healthwatch has a legal power to visit health and social care services and to see them in action. This power to ‘Enter and View’ services offers a way for Healthwatch Surrey to meet people within health and care settings and allows us to identify what is working well with services and where they could be improved.


Recently, we identified that Healthwatch Surrey has not heard from many care home residents or their families. We therefore set out to visit homes across Surrey to find out what opportunities exist for people and families to provide feedback – summary of our Enter and View Programme


Our Enter and View visits have given us a greater insight into care home services in Surrey and enabled us to have more conversations with the social care team about how we can provide better support to people and their families. These conversations led to Surrey County Council approaching Healthwatch Surrey to help improve their understanding of how people in Surrey plan financially for their care. This will help to understand the impact of a planned communications campaign aimed at people funding their own care in the care market.


Further help and advice

The Healthwatch Surrey Helpdesk provides information and signposting to local people about health and social care services.

It’s also the place to share your experiences of health and social care.  Whether it’s good or bad, big or small, we welcome your feedback and act on it to help improve care where you live.


Connect to Support Surrey is an online directory that acts as a one-stop shop for adult care and support, enabling you to locate information which can be tailored to individual towns or postcode. Other Surrey directories are also available on our Directories for Surrey residents page.