How can palliative and end of life care be improved? Marie Curie survey – closing date: 31 August

18th July 2024

Marie Curie is inviting people living with a serious life-limiting illness, those supporting them, or people who have been bereaved, to complete a survey about what they think future palliative and end of life care research should focus on, reflecting what’s most important to them.

The survey is open until 31 August 2024 and they’d like to hear from:

  • People living with a serious life-limiting illness
  • People who are caring for a loved one or someone they know
  • Bereaved carers, family members or friends
  • Volunteers who support people
  • Members of the public
  • Health and Social Care Professionals .

The survey is availble online: Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management (

Or you can contact if you would like to access this survey in a different format (eg a freepost envelope to return a paper version of the survey, if you would like the survey in another language or if you would like to provide your answers over the phone).