Involving local people in decision making and the design and changes of services will also ensure that services truly serve their local communities. Encouraging system partners to consider and involve local people through co-design, co-production and enabling and empowering local people and communities to lead on making improvements themselves will benefit the communities and people of Surrey.

Our current work under this priority:

  • We visited hospitals across Surrey to advise people about the opportunities available for them to have their voices heard. Individual reports and responses from the trusts can be found on our reports page under the Involvement of people reports section as well as our summary video presentation. We are sharing this in hospital patient experience meetings.​
  • Our next project relates to neurodivergent people’s experiences in outpatients in Surrey hospitals. We have done some interviews and have a survey running until the end of May​.
  • We are revisiting our Carers experience of discharge recommendations and chasing updates from the different hospitals.

Other reports and bulletins relating to this priority can be found under the Involvement of people category of our reports section on our website.