Social care support can change the lives of many Surrey residents. The availability of social care and understanding of what is available can often be complicated for many people who need to access support. Ensuring that people are involved in shaping social care services by sharing experiences and the challenges that people share with us is pivotal in improving services.

Our current work under this priority:

  • We are currently working on a project with Surrey County Council to ensure that people receive the right information if they are planning to pay for their own care in a residential or nursing home in the future. We have undertaken interviews and received 97 responses to our self funders survey. The first draft of our report has been shared with Surrey County Council before Easter with a focus on information and advice. ​
  • Age UK Surrey “Planning your Future” programme has been given funding to continue into 2024/25, so we will continue to attend to promote our work.​
  • Met with Adult Wellbeing and Health Partnership and had initial discussion about new project direction.

Other reports and bulletins relating to this priority can be found under the social care category of our reports section on our website.