Opportunity to join a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Committee – deadline 28 April

28th March 2024

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)  are looking for members of the public to join one of their research programme committees.

NIHR committees help decide which research to prioritise and which research projects to fund in health and social care. They are looking for people who have a broad interest in health, and knowledge of, health, social care and/or improving public health and addressing health inequalities. They have produced a short video for people to find out more about becoming a public committee member.

NIHR will send you research proposals and ask for your comments on the importance and relevance of the research. They will also ask you to consider whether the research is inclusive and addresses the needs of our diverse society, and would like your suggestions for any improvements that the researcher could make. Every proposal contains a summary of the research that is written in plain English, to help understanding.

You can find out more using the following link: NIHR Public Committee Member Opportunities


The deadline for submitting an application is on Sunday 28 April, 2024.