University Mental Health Day
Did you know that 1 in 4 students have a diagnosed mental health issue?
Today is #UniMentalHealthDay, an annual day which aims to get the nation talking about student mental health and working together to make mental health a university-wide priority. Research has found that 1 in 4 students wouldn’t know where to go to get mental health support at university if they needed it, alarming when 30% believe their mental health has got worse since starting their studies.
Are you one of Surrey University’s almost 15,000 students? Would you know where to turn to get information to support your wellbeing? When we asked local sixth form students the same question, over three quarters said they would simply ask friends and family.
At Healthwatch Surrey mental health is one of our key strategic priorities – our mission is to ensure that the people of Surrey (student or otherwise) know what services are available to help support their mental wellbeing, understand how to access these and are able to do so.
Our signposting page contains resources and links – you can also contact our Helpdesk for further information and signposting about health and social care services.
We also act on your feedback to help improve mental health services where you live. So whether it’s good or bad, big or small, please get in touch.